Hi! I am a PhD student at the CSL-MPG, in Freiburg, Germany.
Research Interest
I’m lost somewhere between social sciences, psychology and economics. For the moment, my PhD is dedicated to building a formal model to explain violence in deprived neighbourhoods. I’m also interested in history, where I made my bachelor. On my free time I develop the French website Gallicagram, of which you can find an outline here.
- de Courson, B., W. Frankenhuis, D. Nettle & J.-L. van Gelder (2023): Why is violence high and persistent in deprived communities? A formal model Code
- de Courson, B., V. Thouzeau & N. Baumard (2023): Quantifying the scientific revolution, Evolutionary Human Sciences (Accepted) Code
- de Courson B., B. Azoulay, C. de Courson, L. Vanni & E. Brunet (2023): Gallicagram : les archives de presse sous les rotatives de la statistique textuelle
, Corpus
- de Courson, B. & D. Nettle (2021): Why inequalities and deprivation produce high crime and low trust (text, code)
- de Courson, B., L. Fitouchi, J.-P. Bouchaud & Michael Benzaquen (2021): Cultural diversity and wisdom of crowds are mutually beneficial and evolutionarily stable Code
- Azoulay, B. & B. de Courson (2021): Gallicagram : un outil de lexicométrie pour la recherche